
As an adult now on Wattpad, I do think it's good to limit messages. Because grooming is way too easy on here. But you know how they could've combatted it? Only letting people send messages when both parties follow eachother, and reminding kids to not talk to adults. I feel like /no/ messages is such a band-aid fix like "well now we're not responsible!"
          	What is being forgotten here is that Wattpad is a place where weird kids go, and they should be able to talk and vent to genuine friends of their age in private.


As an adult now on Wattpad, I do think it's good to limit messages. Because grooming is way too easy on here. But you know how they could've combatted it? Only letting people send messages when both parties follow eachother, and reminding kids to not talk to adults. I feel like /no/ messages is such a band-aid fix like "well now we're not responsible!"
          What is being forgotten here is that Wattpad is a place where weird kids go, and they should be able to talk and vent to genuine friends of their age in private.


Opening wattpad for the first time in months to see all the messages i send to people i was friends with, just gone. Forever. What the hell man :(


 @Kitstenk   since we've both been here seen 2017, we both lost 7 years of messages :')


Actually im not done with my last message yet. Heres a fun fact about me, im a media design student. And one of the things i am genuinely passionate about it UI and UX, user interface and user experience. And although im not an expert, i am a student after all, i want to talk about why the UI and UX of wattpad grind my gears so much!
          First the UI. Almost everything is white and bright orange. I think a main 2 color color pallete works for a lot of social media because the users bring in more colors. Think of twitter, its all blue and white/black but the users all have very clear profile pictures and bring their own pictures and emojis! (Seriously why arent emojis a thing). The users help break up this color pallete by bringing their own color into it. Or think of tumblr where you can color your own profile to fit with your theme, giving your profile its own uniqueness. But wattpad actively seems to discourage this behavior. Like i mentioned, you CANNOT even use emojis!! The simplest pop of color you could add!
          Oh but dont get me started of the UX. This app does not work. At all. The menu is broken, the lirbary will always glitch and reload and ive had times in the past it just got emptied. The message system isnt fast and on the website your stuck reloading to see messages! And again, no emojis. Not even pictures. You just talk in a white and bright orange void into some janky chat box. The writing feature has also been broken for literal years. I still need to do this annoying thing to simply write in my books, one i did when i joined 5 years ago where i had to tilt my phone to be able to see my work. Otherwise it's stuck on a loading screen. Titles cant easily be changed or wattpad ignores the change. Chapters cant be seen. Your edits wont appear till like a day later.
          And there's so much more to this! Wattpad isnt user friendly. It has a horrible UI and a much worse UX.


@Acepir    i hope yours is too!! :D


@CaseyDoBeVibin hope your study is going well for you :)


this message may be offensive
Everytime i log on im shocked at how wattpad manages to be more broken then it was 5 years ago. I cannot fucking access my book editor on the app, i cqnnot see new chapters for stories unless theyre already a few DAYS old. Idk if i looked at it through rose glasses years ago but things like the functionality and webdesign as a whole feel kinda bad. Like i've always hated the app change of making your profile accessable by going to your pfp in the home screen, and not a page on the bottom menu. It makes your profile feel isolated


Aha hey guys i have an oc review book so i'd be cool if people submitted oc's maybe (i would use a blushing emoji right here as a joke but wattpad wouldn't show it <3)


honestly i've been wanting to start over anew for a while now. the scars of the mistakes i made when i was a child will always be on here, my worst moments will always be here. But so have some amazing moments. I will always have the messages of my friends i loved and always smiled from on here, i will always have the moments we have shared together on here despite almost everyone i cared about on wattpad leaving. I want to move on, and at the same time i don't want to let go </3


@XImmortal_StevenX Only seeing this now and it feels wrong to respond after a week but hi :') thank you, i honestly didn't even expect anyone to see it. It's good to see you're still doing good as well, I remember back when you lost your og account and its nice to see you still have this one. Thank you for all the kind words :)


@CaseyDoBeVibin I remember when you and I first began talking years ago when I commented on a post you made about SU in your update book about plot holes in the show and after you went dark for a while, I got worried. It's good to know you're still around and OK. I'm still here and I definitely get the feeling of wanting to move on from Wattpad. But moving on doesn't mean you let go of the memories you made on here. Those will always be with you no matter where you go. :)