
I hope you guys enjoy! Feel free to give me feedback, love yall!


@CastielAngelFace I've peeked a bit about your story about Faith and Dean and from what I've read I've liked, I'll read more, but I'm gonna be that person (sorry!) and say that Candice King (did I spell that right? I hope so, if not, apologies) is actually in an episode of Supernatural. She's Amanda in Season 4's After School Special. 
          But I do like the story, it's just personally for me, the face claim choice is a bit confusing


Thank you to all of you guys who have read/are reading this book. I greatly appreciate it! Im sorry for the latest chapter for all of the typos. I have been writing on my phone instead of my computer because of some connection problems. But my connection is fixed along with all of those embarrassing typos. Im sorry again, and I hope it doesn't happen again.