
Guys guess what!


@Catcatbird2 i got my dad to install palworld yesterday


Idk if anyone has seen it yet, but Im trying to poke the writer in me with a stick once more! For anyone who noticed my background change, it's a clue as to what "Not Malicious" is about. Of course, the second chap which explains a bit is already out. But I have plans to make this my longest written and most in depth story yet! So If you se me slacking more than usual, send me a dm (Not to say it will have a consistent upload schedule). In my last post I talked about Wattpad dieing, and I want to try to do my part to slow the decay.


God, this place used to be bustling with activity every day, and any story u could think of, here it was, recently updated. Now it's a barren ghost town, sometimes it seems like great ideas come here, blossom, and die shortly after. I wonder if Wattpad will ever return to it's golden days.


@ Catcatbird2  I hate this game if waiting for some authors to update their stories, because I have the feeling I just read through all what Wattpad has to offer


@Catcatbird2 sadly it does seem to be the case. But, among furries especially, there are tons of authors that, despite slowing production, are still very loyal to Wattpad, myself included :)


@Catcatbird2 well shame i came to wattpad only a couple of months ago, alot of stories have been taken down are are entirely gone, some stories that were rewritten are now forzen and the old completed versions are unavailable. it is a shame i came in at this time, but there is certainly still some hope for some closure on stories (i think) but for the most part I am assuming covid is when this place was bustling with energy and now that we have fully shaken covid off it is starting to lose that momentum and return to what wattpad was precovid.


Ive been working on putting a story that Ive been writing up here, first three of seven completed chaps out now!!!




@Catcatbird2 lie u like meat shtick


            I like mommy milkers, thank you very much!