
Hello my dears!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! This year for me my motto is out with the old, in with the new. I have had many people leave this year, including my best friends. So this year is about me. I am  going to live how I wish to live. And its gonna be amazing. So my dears, my your stomach get flatter, and your ass get fatter! Amen!!! 




Can you please bring dragon blood Back up and also the sequel for dragon blood. I really loved at story and also the sequel. One of my favorite Characters is Khal drogo. So please Put it back on and also put the sequel back on please. I love the story so much so please put it Back on please. I would love that so much please!!!!!!


Hey sis, have you deleted the Dragon's Blood and The sequel? I was actually reading the story but now it's just showing some A/N and only one chapter. Also whenever I visit your profile, I can't find the story on your work. Please help me with that, I was kinda obsessed with the story and now I'm literally devastated. Please check on that sister


hey.. I'm a fan of your Dragon Blood. I love it sooo soo much, but it's shocking me when i cannot find it. Can't you just show it up and delete it after you finished editing it? I'm really sad now 'cause there's no good GoT fanfiction with Drogo as the main character.. please..