
Awakening (affectionately known as that bloody monster of a fic) is now complete over here - although I might make a better cover when I can spare some time, lol! That one was my first attempt, and it shows.
          	I'll start uploading its WIP companion story, Becoming, in the next couple of days - once I've caught that up to how much has already been posted elsewhere, updates will (usually) happen on a weekly basis.
          	Random short stories and additions to other ongoing stories will continue to be random. 


Awakening (affectionately known as that bloody monster of a fic) is now complete over here - although I might make a better cover when I can spare some time, lol! That one was my first attempt, and it shows.
          I'll start uploading its WIP companion story, Becoming, in the next couple of days - once I've caught that up to how much has already been posted elsewhere, updates will (usually) happen on a weekly basis.
          Random short stories and additions to other ongoing stories will continue to be random. 


You're one of my favorite writers omg. I've read your works on Ao3 and I've absolutley fallen in love with them. (sorry if this sounds creepy or smt) hope your day/night is going good <3


@Pearlysniffles123 Thanks! Some writing friends persuaded me to start posting here as well as AO3, so I'm slowly uploading all my completed bandfics here. Hope you're also having a good whatever time of day it is in your time zone!