
Don’t forget!! Hidden Fox is out and has joined the ranks of Amazon with its precursors Breaking the Silence and Shadows of the Past!  Run to Amazon and grab your copy!! Also this is a reminder that the link to my Instagram account is in my bio, and I highly recommend (and appreciate) a follow so you guys can be as updated as possible! I will post more detailed updates on there in both post and story forms much more frequently than I do here :) 


@Cavalier_Spaniel pls when are you going to update blind and broken 


Don’t forget!! Hidden Fox is out and has joined the ranks of Amazon with its precursors Breaking the Silence and Shadows of the Past!  Run to Amazon and grab your copy!! Also this is a reminder that the link to my Instagram account is in my bio, and I highly recommend (and appreciate) a follow so you guys can be as updated as possible! I will post more detailed updates on there in both post and story forms much more frequently than I do here :) 


@Cavalier_Spaniel pls when are you going to update blind and broken 


It's official! 
          I'll keep this short because I'm SO EXCITED!!!
          Hidden Fox is now available on Amazon! Get your copy by clicking the link in my bio that leads you to my Amazon page. I would appreciate any downloads and purchases (and reviews!!) on my new book. 
          Thank you so much for your continued support!


Thank you!! I appreciate readers like you!


@Cavalier_Spaniel That is exciting! I'm so proud of you and all your hard work! Can't wait to check it out the moment I'm able.


Hi everyone! I've got some exciting news to share. 
          My book, Hidden Fox, (Book 3 of the series) is being formally published!
          A HUGE thank you goes to each of you for making this possible!
          Join me on this rollercoaster of emotions as Hidden Fox takes its place in the literary spotlight. Writing is a passion of mine, and I'm thrilled to have such an incredible community to share it with.
          When I originally created this series, Hidden Fox was the one I was the most proud of. It was the first book that wasn’t just a short story, but a novel! I am so so happy for it to reach a paperback edition and to be able to share it with more than just Wattpad! (But you guys are getting to know first, because Wattpad will forever be how I started writing, and how I came to be published!!) ;)
          Mark your calendars for the big day! Hidden Fox is set to hit the shelves on December 31, 2024 EST.
          A quick heads-up for my fellow Wattpad enthusiasts: as always, to avoid copyright-related issues, I'll need to remove some of the chapters from the platform before the release of the book.


@Strynexcllose0864 not yet! Coming soon :) 
            Breaking the Silence (Silent Luna) and Shadows of the Past are currently published and available on Amazon for kindle and paperback. But Hidden Fox is not quite there


Is the Hidden Fox Series on Amazon Kindle


Hey guys! Black Friday is here! 
          Get my book Breaking the Silence 100% FREE on Kindle Ebook!
          Don’t miss this chance to dive into the full completed story while this offer is up (ENDS DECEMBER 2ND!). Grab your copy on Amazon Kindle NOW to enjoy the entirety of Breaking the Silence + its epilogue that has NEVER been posted to Wattpad before FOR FREE before it ends! Link to the Amazon page is in my bio.


@Cavalier_Spaniel Thanks! I can't wait! I will absolutely read them all! ... Though I will have to get Shadows of the Past and read that first...  :)  :D


@Ko0ky_ not quite! Should be just after Christmas. The actual announcement is coming soon, I promise!


@Cavalier_Spaniel :D I am super excited! Will Hidden Fox be out before Christmas? Or no? I'm just wondering so I can know when to expect it. :)


Morning! You don't happen to be updating Fire Proof on a different platform or anything? I just did not want to miss the story I fell in love with just in case.


Hi!! Fire Proof is completed here on Wattpad and is one I don’t really have plans to publish anytime soon, so it’s not going anywhere :)


          Just republished some of Hidden Fox’s chapters and that includes 8 EXTRA that I have working on for the past couple of weeks! 
          I did this in preparation for publishing so go check them out before I eventually have to take them down for the paperback version!!! I stretched out the story and added a bunch of stuff so hopefully it’s looking closer to publish-worthy!!! 
          Thanks for all the support, hope you guys like it!  ❤️


Why does Breaking Silence only have 17 chapters? Then the shadow book is set 18 yrs later? So we don't get to read/ find out how Kota helped his mate


Breaking the Silence and Shadows of the Past are both available in full on Amazon!! Each one contains added editing and extra bonus chapters as well as extended-never-before-seen chapters (basically chapters that never saw the light of day on wattpad!!). They are fairly cheap since the publishing company is small and ebook is only a few dollars! :)