
Hello Dear Followers
          	      It's been a long, long while and I'm sorry for that. I am coming to this Wattpad under certain events of the past. So I hope my writings will inspire new creations. But lately plagiarism seems to becoming a really huge issue out there these days. 
          	   DON'T DO IT, it's not cool and as a author it really is painful to see someone else getting the credit for your hard work. So guys if you see someone doing it and you know it. Help the authors out and let them know so they can get it fixed. Even on Wattpad taking someone else's stuff is a crime, and it literally not cool. 
          	   And for authors who let one person use it to help them out. Don't do it either, doing something for someone or giving them a story of yours to repost is just as bad as plagiarism why? Well kinda simple actually, because as an author you have a expectation bar set on you from followers, fans, and general audiences. So, if your first story is the bomb that's gonna be a expectation, but what happens when they find out it not your story? Easy people will stop following, others will get mad and report for plagiarism even though you was given concent. So instead of giving, just help them write their own.
          	    On the last note my new book has begun since I no longer have to deal with school. And other time consuming events, there will be a website up soon for any author and or follower to get directly in contact with other fans or authors. It will be a fun friendly place. My goal of this to let the faceless have a voice and let a more direct conversations. 
          	     But that's all everyone thank you for your time keep on reading not just mine but everyone books and giving feed back. Keep being the awesome epic people you all are and until next time I bid you adu.


Hello Dear Followers
                It's been a long, long while and I'm sorry for that. I am coming to this Wattpad under certain events of the past. So I hope my writings will inspire new creations. But lately plagiarism seems to becoming a really huge issue out there these days. 
             DON'T DO IT, it's not cool and as a author it really is painful to see someone else getting the credit for your hard work. So guys if you see someone doing it and you know it. Help the authors out and let them know so they can get it fixed. Even on Wattpad taking someone else's stuff is a crime, and it literally not cool. 
             And for authors who let one person use it to help them out. Don't do it either, doing something for someone or giving them a story of yours to repost is just as bad as plagiarism why? Well kinda simple actually, because as an author you have a expectation bar set on you from followers, fans, and general audiences. So, if your first story is the bomb that's gonna be a expectation, but what happens when they find out it not your story? Easy people will stop following, others will get mad and report for plagiarism even though you was given concent. So instead of giving, just help them write their own.
              On the last note my new book has begun since I no longer have to deal with school. And other time consuming events, there will be a website up soon for any author and or follower to get directly in contact with other fans or authors. It will be a fun friendly place. My goal of this to let the faceless have a voice and let a more direct conversations. 
               But that's all everyone thank you for your time keep on reading not just mine but everyone books and giving feed back. Keep being the awesome epic people you all are and until next time I bid you adu.


hey guys there will be no update tonight 12/2/15 sorry I'm not feeling very well and I thank everyone for their support on my book, I'll update it tomar if not by 2  chapter it just sickness and stress has made it impossible to think for a good decent 4th chapter so sorry guys and again thanks for the support