
Wondering if anybody even wants me to update anymore....


Okay yes, I changed my username. I'm not going to change my covers, I don't like them right now, and am not going to put the work into updating them if I don't even like them that much. Some covers sent it would be AMAZING. thank you so much guyss 


I recently got a message from @ewynjaeger, asking if I could read her book. Explaining that she worked extremely hard, I was happy to take a look and give some feedback. Ewyn apologized for bothering me. Please know that you guys are never bothering me by asking me to read and construct on the piece. I love it when you guys reach out to me, you guys give me so much love, and sometimes feedback that changes a book for the better. So no, please don't apologize for bothering me. You are not a bother, and you're not distracting me. Thank you my 30 faithful followers. I love you❤️


Hey, do you mind if I ask you to read a book I just published? Even though I'm asking you right now, I'm sorry for bothering you  I worked extremely hard on it, and it's teen fiction. It's called OUR UNSPOKEN AFFECTION. Thank you :)


LISTEN UP MY FRIENDS!!!! CALLING ALL FOLLOWERS!!!! I'm here to tell you about the BEST EVER FREAKING wattpad book out there. The High School Hit List. By: @autheras ...this little mother f-er. Ripped my freaking heart out of my chest and stomped on it. Then it threw it in a blender or purée. This F-ing book. I'm not know to cry over much (book/tv wise). (I have a black soul) I've cried over Glenn, Carl, Damon...that's pretty much it. But. This book. I finished it a 10:40, and sat in my bed for TWO WHOLE HOURS crying and contemplating my life's decisions. I will NEVER read a book the same way again. This book has CHANGED ME!! I AM A CHANGED LADY! Oh and William. SWOON!!!!! So please go read it and fall in deep.....dddddddddeeeeeeeeppppppppp my friends.


Hello everybody!! I just posted a new Chandler Riggs Fanfiction! Just the first chapter is out, but I'm going to keep updating! Just know the first chapter is pretty long! Longer than usual (2250 ish word count!!!) please check it out! I'm really confident in this one. I am dedicating this book to @Quinn1510 she's my best friend, and she motivated me to write another book about Chandler Riggs/Walking Dead so maybe I'll post my walking dead book but I am going to post based on points now. I'll set a goal and if we don't make that goal no new chapters. Unless I'm  feeling generous love you all!!!!! Charr❤️❤️


Hello! I just got 1K reads on my scary stories! Thank you all so much! I love you , and let's get my other stories to 1K so we can have a celebration!! Share the bad boys ballet with all your friends! If that makes it to 1K I'll go on a following spree!!!!!


I just wanted to you guys know that I will only be updating these following books:
          The Bad Boys Ballet
          Now and then. 
          The reason for this is I really would like to focus on the books That I currently feel the most passion for. If I get people who a really restless I will possibly update. But no promises. Thanks~Charlie❤️