
Hey Chaya, I recently started watching EK with English subtitles as I don’t understand the language. Some things were hence lost in translation until I found u and u were god sent really. I’m enjoying EK so much more with your analysis. I understand it’s years later now but was wondering if you would continue the recaps of the remaining episodes or have you moved on from this now. Thanks again for your immense work on EK that helped people like me to enjoy it even more 


I just finished Keske’ and I like your take on their storyline.  You can not stop there, your readers need to know how you will take this.    I hope you are in good health and able to finish the story.    Much Blessings to You.


@AnnetteDrakes thank you for reading :) i just uploaded the next chapter I hope you enjoy it! I am trying to be more consistent and post a chapter every 2 weeks


Hope u are fine author dear... Missing your recaps.. 


@Merakiswajay Yaya thank you for your support! 


@Merakiswajay  I hope to have a new recap for episode 38 in February :) thank you for reading them


Hello author dear ... 
          Actually I want to know something.. The book is written by sanem.. Is it available in market in English version... I really want to read that book and i dont know whom to approach 


@Merakiswajay omg author dear welcome backkkkk


@Merakiswajay  hi so sorry I just saw this message now, do you mean the  one on amazon? it is actually a fan written book so im not sure if it is available in english im sorry to say


          Hello, I am wondering Ek / k more coming? Cuz stopping for reasons 


@Nickie594  thank you for reading so sorry for the delay in responding I stopped writing for some health reasons but I am doing a lot better and so I am back to writing again :) I am trying to be more consistent this year so I should be posting keske every 2 weeks and i hope to do ep 38 recap in February


I just received your notice and it took my breath away...WELCOME BACK...and yes that is me screaming because I am soooo happy!!! EK/Keske is too fabulous and, I can't wait to see where you are going to take us. Please never stop...you are truly a talented writer. Wishing you the best always!!!


@Snowwatt1 thank you so much for the support and encouragement <3  it feels great to be back again! I'm really excited I hope to have another chapter up this week and I'm in the middle of ep 37 for recaps too!


Hope you are well!  Will you be finishing your fabulous recaps of episodes 37 through 51? They are so helpful and I love your commentary.  Really helps me get the most out of the story because it always feels the English subtitles leave so much out.


@janicethew thank you so much for reaching out so sorry it took me so long to log back in here, yes I'm working on ep 37 now  ... it's been a Rollercoaster in my personal life for a while but its calming down now so I'm able to get back into it 