
Just wondering, does this happen to anybody else? So I feel like I have to be doing something productive ALL the time, but I just ended up doing nothing. And an example is let’s say I was trying to draw something for my YouTube channel, but I end up scrolling on YouTube or Twitter for like a good two hours. Then it’s like 11 PM already and I got nothing done. So I stay up until like two working on some art project. It’s really annoying and I wish I could just focus. Sorry for venting, I just feel like I can’t do anything right and then I’m a failure because I can’t get those things done…..


Just wondering, does this happen to anybody else? So I feel like I have to be doing something productive ALL the time, but I just ended up doing nothing. And an example is let’s say I was trying to draw something for my YouTube channel, but I end up scrolling on YouTube or Twitter for like a good two hours. Then it’s like 11 PM already and I got nothing done. So I stay up until like two working on some art project. It’s really annoying and I wish I could just focus. Sorry for venting, I just feel like I can’t do anything right and then I’m a failure because I can’t get those things done…..


Hey guys, sorry for not posting/updating any of my stories lately. I do have a couple drafts that I’m working on I just have a lot going on with school, theater, sports , and my mental health. I’ll try to work on those drafts during the weekend but I’ve just been feeling very overwhelmed lately. Thank you for reading my stories! Hope to get some updates/new stories out soon. :D 


Sorry about removing the Niftty x Velvet fanfic I made a while ago. I will try to continue rewriting it . I’m just waiting until I get more canon information for velvet and Niftty. Anyways, hope to give a new chapter soon/re -release the fanfic again. 
          Wish you a good day/night/evening/afternoon/evening / and life!  <3