
Why did someone ask if I publish on Neobook 
          	No I don't??? I only publish on here, sometimes on AO3...


I feel like the PARANOIA AU is too dark and gruesome for y'alls liking and that's why it doesn't have many votes
          I'm thinking of giving up writing the PARANOIA AU just the same as I did for abandoning the FM&D AU...
          I just think people like the cheery, upbeat PR AUs, and don't give positive feedback to dark, less cheery AUs.
          Is the PARANOIA AU too dark for y'all? </3


Yes Genevieve its VERRRY dark! But I love it! Thats what makes the AU in a whole. It's better when it's dark and gruesome imo. Like what i did for my AU (can i stop mentioning my au) its very gory and involves lots of killing and reanimation to joves bidding and live to serve jo- i need to stop my rambling  but yes Genevieve, i love ur au


Posting a PR AU Story to this platform soon... here's it's motto as a spoiler...
          “Six survivors, but only one ends up surviving. Who will meet their demise to the dark blue-eyed monster, and who will be the lucky one to survive?”


@CherryThornCxxkie yeah lol its on my profile now


@CherryThornCxxkie you have no idea how much I love writing my lckj au (lost comet killer Jupiter/jove)


i am an angel. (not really)
          i have come with jantune. /hugejoke /nsrs


@rita_diamondzskypng JANTUNE!!!!!
            JANTUNE FOR THE WIN!!!!
            JAAAAANNNNNNTUUUUU- *exfuckingsplodes*/vpos