
Hello everyone! 
          	I need to get some things off my chest so please bear with me. For starters, I needed to take a hiatus as my mental health had taken a turn for the worse for a period of time, and fortunately I am doing a lot better. 
          	And with that hiatus, and whatever energy I could get, I was able to educate myself more on writing and developing stories. So, with that said, after some revision on my "Servamp: It's Called An Apocalypse" story, I've decided to rewrite it once again. 
          	I want my stories to be enjoyable for you all, as most of the time I'm just spewing out the first words that come to mind and just making things up as I go; hence why I am making a rewrite of the Servamp fanfic. 
          	I cannot promise any dates or deadlines of when I will post chapters for any of my stories, but all I can say is that I will TRY to provide updates as soon as I can. 
          	Thank you for your understanding and patience. I hope you all stay safe out there!


Hi glad to see that you are planning on continuing with nanbaka the walking dead.
          I can't wait for when you update the next chapter for nanbaka, I'm so excited to see how it goes for the nanba guards and inmates.
          Take your time and good luck.


Are you going to continue with the story Nanbaka: the walking dead?
          Hope you are doing ok and taking care of yourself.
          It's fine if you don't plan on finishing the story I'll just keep on daydreaming about Nanbaka in a zombie apocalypse.
          I really do hope you are doing well.


@za2anime Hey, I'm so sorry for my late response. I only just recently logged back on and didn't think to check my message board until now. 
            Thank you for your concern and I for enjoying the story. It never occurred to me how much people really enjoyed it and for that, thank you so much! 
            I do plan on continuing Nanbaka: the walking dead, however, there are a couple variables that have come up. Most of it is personal/medical stuff that I'm currently navigating. But for the most part I am fine, just tired. Another variable is is that I was a user on Google docs and I would use it to outline my stories/ideas, however, Google is now implementing Ai that steals docs users content to train the ai. So now, I am currently looking for a replacement, which is taking longer than I thought it would. 
            I don't know when the update will occur and I cannot promise a time or date, but an update will happen. 
            Thank you so much for your patience and for enjoying the story, and again I am so sorry for my late response and delayed updates.


Are you going to continue with Nanbaka: the walking dead ?
          If not then that's ok.
          Hope you are doing well.


@za2anime hey, I'm so sorry for the delayed response. I do plan on continuing the story. However, to be transparent, a lot has been going on this year with me. I have compromised health and there have been  difficulties in getting the correct medication/supplies for myself to which was only recently corrected. In addition, I was recently diagnosed with yet another disorder and I'm in the process of getting the proper meds and treatment for it. 
            But on the up side, I have been working on a draft/outline for the story when I can so that I'll hopefully be able to give a sensible update. 
            I'm sorry that I haven't  been active and that updates are slow to nonexistent, and at this time I cannot make any promises or guarantees as to when the next chapters will be up. I know when we discussed this previously I had said that I would post soon, to which it didn't happen, and I apologize for any false hope I may have given. I don't want to make excuses, but the circumstances that I have been under has been draining, sometimes it's to the point getting out of bed is a chore. Although in this past week, things have been getting better.
            I will try my best. Thank you for your concern and I'm happy to hear the story has been on your mind. And I hope all is well with you too. 


Hello everyone! 
          I need to get some things off my chest so please bear with me. For starters, I needed to take a hiatus as my mental health had taken a turn for the worse for a period of time, and fortunately I am doing a lot better. 
          And with that hiatus, and whatever energy I could get, I was able to educate myself more on writing and developing stories. So, with that said, after some revision on my "Servamp: It's Called An Apocalypse" story, I've decided to rewrite it once again. 
          I want my stories to be enjoyable for you all, as most of the time I'm just spewing out the first words that come to mind and just making things up as I go; hence why I am making a rewrite of the Servamp fanfic. 
          I cannot promise any dates or deadlines of when I will post chapters for any of my stories, but all I can say is that I will TRY to provide updates as soon as I can. 
          Thank you for your understanding and patience. I hope you all stay safe out there!


When's the next chapter for Nanbaka: walking dead? 


@za2anime: Are you going to update Nanbaka: walking dead soon?


@za2anime it's currently in the works, however, I haven't been able to edit or add on to it as school has unfortunately been keeping me occupied  But I'll try to update it as soon as I can. 