
So 15 I woke up coughing so bad I couldn't breathe I was taken to the ER and was prescribed un inhaler in the end. On the way home my oh so loving parents (please note the high sarcasm) told me that since the test they did didn't go normally according to the doctor that I didn't need to inhaler and didn't have asthma but they pick up the inhaler and I never saw it again. Just a few days ago I was again prescribed with an inhaler only this time it was two one for morning and night and one for as needed and this was just from telling the doctor that I sometimes fell out of breathe and all he did was listen to my lungs. The first time I took the inhaler I was able to take a deep breath without pain in my chest....I swear the more truth I find out about my past the more I realize I didn't mean a thing and the more I see my mother (who instead on being calling mommy even when her children hit adulthood) as mother gothel


@ChildofCabin3 I'm doing good now, I have moments but I have new people to call family who actually care about me. Thank you for asking 


So 15 I woke up coughing so bad I couldn't breathe I was taken to the ER and was prescribed un inhaler in the end. On the way home my oh so loving parents (please note the high sarcasm) told me that since the test they did didn't go normally according to the doctor that I didn't need to inhaler and didn't have asthma but they pick up the inhaler and I never saw it again. Just a few days ago I was again prescribed with an inhaler only this time it was two one for morning and night and one for as needed and this was just from telling the doctor that I sometimes fell out of breathe and all he did was listen to my lungs. The first time I took the inhaler I was able to take a deep breath without pain in my chest....I swear the more truth I find out about my past the more I realize I didn't mean a thing and the more I see my mother (who instead on being calling mommy even when her children hit adulthood) as mother gothel


@ChildofCabin3 I'm doing good now, I have moments but I have new people to call family who actually care about me. Thank you for asking 


Happy Birthday Annabeth Chase! Celebrating by playing Minecraft because it nothing if not architecture


@ChildofCabin3 happy birthday Annabeth!


Happy Birthday to Nico Di Angelo! Who Chronologically is 91!


@ChildofCabin3 Happy birthday our emo gay boi!!!


@ChildofCabin3 Happy Birthday to Nico!


@ChildofCabin3  I'm late, but.......Happy birthday Nico!!


I was wondering if I could make a story based of you Will Solace backstory fic? I’ll credit you for the inspiration and stuff if you want? I just love the idea.


@OpalDidAThing well thank you, I plan on editing it at some point to make it better and to fix some of the spelling so I don't mind if you point any out


How could I NOT!? it’s a great story! The only issues I have are the spelling errors, but you can’t help if your dyslexic, so I don’t blame you 


@OpalDidAThing I'm perfectly fine with it, I'm glad you enjoyed my story 