
Sometimes when I’m with my Girlfriend I call myself gay because of how much of a simp that I am. Like dating people is such a simp move smh.


Alright!!! I have been thinking long abd hard about a story to write, and surprise it’s Edric Blight (who’d have guessed)? But I am going to write a story about the blights altogether just a story about their lives individually behind closed doors (metaphorically and literally) They will have warnings if needed. I will also be posting mini one shot story’s to keep you all updated!


Bwahh does anyone here have discord, if I’m not active here then I’ll most definitely be active on discord lmao


            Friend request sent! Sorry for the wait btw!


Not me saying I'll be active more then leaving for the year


            Darn :( I'm assuming it was worth it tho 


@-FlirtingWithDeath- I lost my no simping streak :'(


OH GOD I'M SO SORRY FOR LEAVING OUT OF NO WHERE!!! A LOT OF  STUFF HAS HAPPENED,.,//.,//. BUT I AM WORKING ON SOMETHING. I KNOW I HAVE SAID THAT A LOT BUT I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON A LOT OF THINGS AT ONCE,.,.,. those being art, skateboarding, and much more. I have also practiced my writing a lot. I will try to be online more but school is just lkjlfsjeosjhoifjesofijes


@ChloeRodrigues0 Take your time!! :3


I just realized, that everybody in the The Owl House Fandom just agreed that Everyone is gay, like Jerbo and Edric never met, but people ship them, same with Emira and Viney. Well we don't know if they met but still. AND I AM ONE OF THESE PEOPLE?!?!?!!


Luz is bi, Amity is a lesbian, Willow is pan, Gus is gay, Emira is a lesbian, Edric is gay-