
Ladies and Gentleman! I have posted part 5 of Medabots GBA the Yandere Redrun! Chapter 5 is Shorter than the rest of the Chapters though...but Hey! Its out! So...if you want you can go read it if you want!


Hello! Everyone! If you hadn't seen it yet I've Made a Fakemon Pokedex here on Wattpad, I've already made the starter Pokemon Sketches, although I haven't came up with a Pokedex entry for them You can still check then out if you like! Until then! (Cues Midna laugh) see you later!


Hello to Everyone who on Wattpad! I haven't Finished my Crappy Medabots Creepypasta yet, BUT! I have made a Songfic Inspired by the Song from the Hunchback of Notre dame Hellfire Sonic Forces Overclocked (not really) AND! SNT! Please note that SNT is Not I repeat NOT Owned by me she is Owned by Courtney projectsnt! I do not own Anything of Sega Either And I do not own Hellfire as well, Go check Courtney out on YouTube she is pretty Awesome! So anyways...(Cues Midna's laugh) Enjoy the Sonicfic!


@ChristinaPurdy6 I wouldn't call your Medabots creepy pasta crappy as I do think it has potential