
Hey guys so I don’t know if your seat but Wattpad took down my reaction to fantastic beasts I had also started writing COG which they also removed so I’m not going to take the risk of them being deleted again so if you would like to read COG then go on FanFiction.Net and why username is Ilookhotinblack for I will be posting on there for a while. Please spread the word.


Could you make an addams family story with the original three couples but they're younger and they meet alchemy in Jericho? And she still has pubert 


 I am a bit  under the weather right now so I don’t when I will post plus I also an E my other work but I promise you I will definitely get something out for you, Iva already written the start and have a good idea on how this will go.


Sounds interesting, however I’ve already got a multitude of stories I’m currently trying to work on, so how about a one shot instead. Perhaps the three of them could meet at nevermore, i may have an idea brewing for this. 


Could you make a sequel to your Addams book?


I have thought about it but right now I’m currently working on another story but maybe after I Finnish that story I’ll do a sequel, I just don’t like writing more than 1 book at a time otherwise it won’t have my full attention. 
            But I’m glad you like the story, the Addams family is one of my favourite Halloween movies.


Hey guys so I don’t know if your seat but Wattpad took down my reaction to fantastic beasts I had also started writing COG which they also removed so I’m not going to take the risk of them being deleted again so if you would like to read COG then go on FanFiction.Net and why username is Ilookhotinblack for I will be posting on there for a while. Please spread the word.