
Okay, I know I have been dead and all BUT- I finally am working on some material. It will not be related to Built for Fun due to lack bbn of inspiration with that story. I do however think that this story will be interesting. I hope that I can get some inspiration soon for a sequel to Built for Fun since people liked it so much. I also thank everyone for reading it, I have also enjoyed reading comments and have gotten a lot of joy. Have a great day or night!


@CircusCraz have a great day or night too :]


Okay, I know I have been dead and all BUT- I finally am working on some material. It will not be related to Built for Fun due to lack bbn of inspiration with that story. I do however think that this story will be interesting. I hope that I can get some inspiration soon for a sequel to Built for Fun since people liked it so much. I also thank everyone for reading it, I have also enjoyed reading comments and have gotten a lot of joy. Have a great day or night!


@CircusCraz have a great day or night too :]