
Heya Madeline, how are you doing? Would you mind giving my book 'The Christmas That Died' a chance? No pressure though, but I really hope you'd enjoy the read if you choose to give it a try. Have a lovely time! :D


@CitizenofTheShire sure, take your own time and thank you! I really hope you wouldn't be disappointed when you give it a read ❤
            I was in search of readers and I happened to stumble upon your account through a book which I don't quite remember now :D


@uncrafted_spell Of course! I am in the middle of another book and I don't like to read more than one at the same time, but I will definitely read yours when I'm done! May I ask how you found my account? I'm just curious since I don't think I know you personally and haven't written any stories on here. Thanks for messaging me!