
are there any skephalo fans left in the world


I’m working on a new fic right now ! :]
          I already have almost 2 chapters done, so as soon as I come out with a book name it will be posted <3


@CitrusSprout ooooooooooooh cool! also if youve never seen me before i just followed u lol-


Hey all ! Ik it’s been a bit but I just wanted to say that I’m deciding to discontinue “I F-ing Hate You.”
          I might re-write it one day, but, it has no main plot if I’m being honest and is really messy. I was just rushing to write it and get updates out, so it honestly just fell apart. Sorry everyone - I’ll try to write a new book soon </3 


@CitrusSprout  It's fine I still loved it. Do what you want to do, and what you think is best :)


Sorry for dying and not posting anything - :,)
          I haven’t been in a good mental state lately and I’ve had no motivation 
          I promise I’ll post something soon :,,,)


@CitrusSprout that's perfectly fine! Everyone needs a break every once in a while. Take your time, your mental health is more important than a story <3