
Future book- 
          	Hi, guys, thank you so much for supporting me as a new member o the Wattpad society, in return here is the new summary for my future book that will be compled by July 21, 2017! 
          	In the year 2021, supernaturals are on the run, in hiding. Every year, in every city, town, and state everyone is ‘scanned’ for supernatural blood - every years they find at least one. Every year someone else goes in hiding. Fifteen-year-old Arianna for as long as she can remember, she’s been hiding, afraid of the next step. Arianna is forcefully pulled in Jason’s world, a world she never knew existed yet, until now…


Future book- 
          Hi, guys, thank you so much for supporting me as a new member o the Wattpad society, in return here is the new summary for my future book that will be compled by July 21, 2017! 
          In the year 2021, supernaturals are on the run, in hiding. Every year, in every city, town, and state everyone is ‘scanned’ for supernatural blood - every years they find at least one. Every year someone else goes in hiding. Fifteen-year-old Arianna for as long as she can remember, she’s been hiding, afraid of the next step. Arianna is forcefully pulled in Jason’s world, a world she never knew existed yet, until now…


Hey, guys! Thank you so much for following me I am new to wattpad so can you give me an idea on what to write about. All I got an idea for is The Mortal Instruments, Divergent, The Hunger Games.....and of course Clace, bt I want to give a change up!