I'm a conceited f*** face with no positive concept of myself. Lacks a personality. 

A teen who hasn't had a crush before (I'm gonna die alone surrounded by my dogs and cats, and when I do die, no one is gonna find me because I would've been eaten by my dogs and cats).

Swimmer for life!

I hate any sport that has anything to do with balls and people yelling.
A pure-blooded Chinese who can speak English better than he speaks Mandarin or Cantonese.

I don't judge anyone based on their race, interests, sexual orientation, family status, blah blah blah... I only judge people's personalities (and maybe a bit on their looks...can't say I'm totally not judgmental, just being honest XP)

No matter how much I exercise, I can't seem to lose the reminders of my once fat self on my chest, like you'll see a nice angular top half of my chest, then as you get lower, my manboobs say hi to you.

My spine is so bent it looks like a bowl from the side. If you're familiar with the japanese trend of serving food on naked people, I'll be the next big thing-soup in the small of my back.

I've been molested by more guys than girls in my life...tmi?

I've been told I look like a pornstar -.-
  • I live in a house next to my neighbor's house, which is next to my house located on Earth ;P
  • JoinedJuly 4, 2014
