
Assalamualaikum my lovelies. I just wanted to inform you all about the PDF of Ignored Innocent Heart. You guys can pay through Binance, Remitly, GPay, PayPal, Payoneer, HBL, Jazzcash, EasyPaisa, Easy Pezy, UBL, and Skrill. No matter from where you guys are. Just send an email to for your PDFs and we'll discuss the payment method over there. I'm here for your convenience. Also, it is my first time doing something like that so please cooperate and bear with late replies as I have to ask my contractors first if I don't have an answer to your queries. Thank you to all those that trusted me and waited for my late replies too. Thank you so much! 


Hey author are u alive? like seriously yaar u left Hiraeth on such a cliffhanger since 2 years don't u think it should be updated yaar...(don't take this harshly I just spoke as If I was speaking to my bestie who's an author and asking her for an update)