
Hey guys!! Omg it’s been a while. How are you all? I’m not sure if you guys care but I wanna give you all an update. 
          	I graduated this year, I have a great boyfriend that I’ve been with for almost four years now, and I’m super happy. I used to look back at my fan fiction days with disgust bc of the stigma around it but when I think about it: I’m so glad I found this community. My writing was used to help me escape and it was an amazing time. Thank you all for everything.


@Cliffbaby This is so true!! I'm glad you're doing well and you can look back at this part of your life fondly!!


Hey guys!! Omg it’s been a while. How are you all? I’m not sure if you guys care but I wanna give you all an update. 
          I graduated this year, I have a great boyfriend that I’ve been with for almost four years now, and I’m super happy. I used to look back at my fan fiction days with disgust bc of the stigma around it but when I think about it: I’m so glad I found this community. My writing was used to help me escape and it was an amazing time. Thank you all for everything.


@Cliffbaby This is so true!! I'm glad you're doing well and you can look back at this part of your life fondly!!


Another note- the reason I haven't updated lately is a bit crazy... But I don't think people will believe me so I'm very conflicted in sharing it. If anyone is HONESTLY serious in wanting to know just message me. But other than that, I'm back :)