Hi! I'm cloud! I like reading things and writing things. 
Currently very busy and not posting anything, I'll be back one day.
I'm still learning a lot about how to best write and how to entertain so I really appreciate all y'all who take the time to read my stuff and give feedback so I can continue to learn!
Thats all! I hope you enjoy my writing!
  • انضمJanuary 5, 2022

الرسالة الأخيرة

قصص بقلم Cloud
Dear DoubleO بقلم CloudWritesLife
Dear DoubleO
Etho struggles expressing feelings so what does he do? He writes a letter to Bdubs confessing of course! Exce...
ranking #128 في highschoolau إظهار جميع المراتِب
Ghost Kisses بقلم CloudWritesLife
Ghost Kisses
When Tango takes a job as a night guard at the local cemetery, he doesn't know what to expect. But meeting a...
A Flutter in Time بقلم CloudWritesLife
A Flutter in Time
How do you get someone to reciprocate your love if they're already dead? You can't... unless you've got a fri...
4 قوائم قراءة