
I'M LEAVING WATTPAD    ...      temporarily 
          	Hi! It's been many months since I last posted or updated in wattpad. I tried to keep writing and reading everyone's stories but of course, my life as a med student demanded more attention. I started writing with sincere motivation on quarantine, where I had all the free time but time's changed. My tight schedule made me realize my priorities, especially when online classes require me to learn more by myself. After much careful considerations, instead of leaving and coming back to wp indefinitely I decided to take a break from wattpad and focus on my studies. I don't know when I will be back but I just know that I will. Some of you may not care but I think I owe my wattpad friends this explanation, especially those I made friendly deals with (I'm sorry I couldn't go through with our agreement). Writing and meeting people on wattpad was one of the best experiences I could have and I hope to meet you all again when times get better. Until then, stay safe luv. 
          	My stories will remain published until destiny tells me it's time to write again. :) 


I'M LEAVING WATTPAD    ...      temporarily 
          Hi! It's been many months since I last posted or updated in wattpad. I tried to keep writing and reading everyone's stories but of course, my life as a med student demanded more attention. I started writing with sincere motivation on quarantine, where I had all the free time but time's changed. My tight schedule made me realize my priorities, especially when online classes require me to learn more by myself. After much careful considerations, instead of leaving and coming back to wp indefinitely I decided to take a break from wattpad and focus on my studies. I don't know when I will be back but I just know that I will. Some of you may not care but I think I owe my wattpad friends this explanation, especially those I made friendly deals with (I'm sorry I couldn't go through with our agreement). Writing and meeting people on wattpad was one of the best experiences I could have and I hope to meet you all again when times get better. Until then, stay safe luv. 
          My stories will remain published until destiny tells me it's time to write again. :) 


Hey! It's been what? A month? since I've been active on wt. I haven't updated for a long time though I really want to.
          Apparently, I shifted to a med course which is why I have been sooo so so busy. Especially since it's online class, I pretty much learn eighty percent of my lessons by myself. U feel me?   
          Anyways, I hope I can get back on track soon. I've read a good amount of stories today and might continue tomorrow before I decide to get busy with school again. I honestly need better time management lol! 


@CoconutHusk6656 I hope you can too!! School is making everything much harder


@ily_ari_grande Thank you!! I knowww I'm writing as much as I can on my free times. I hope I can finish this book soon! 


Welcome back!!!! Finally updated again lol!! Yeah learning by yourself is so much harder g Idon’t like it one bit


          CHAPTER 41: Brother is up! James and Landon's confrontation. 
          It's been so long since I've updated and read. I have a few chapters written in advance but I might not publish them yet. I've been up to my neck ever since school started but I'm still finding time to write. 


Hey. How are you doing?
          It hurts me to say this but I found out that a relative who is like a brother to me has been tested positive. This is one of the reasons why I have been distracted for the past few days. A lot has been happening in my life lately but I don't want to complain because surely everyone's gone through or is going through some things too. I hope you all are keeping safe. I wasn't afraid at the thought of the virus infecting me but when someone I care about got it, it surely did more than scare me. I guess what I'm saying is that keeping yourself safe is also keeping everybody else safer. 
          I'm trying my best to read and write but I'm gonna be busier soon because classes are starting and lecturers, for sure, are gonna be flooding me with online projects. 
          God bless to you all. <3


@CoconutHusk6656 awww i'm really not sure what to say, but i hope both you and your relative stays strong. please don't stress about r4r because your physical and mental health are so much more important <3


          CHAPTER 40: Red Flag is up! 
          This was a late update. I got caught up reading everybody's stories because they were so good. But I'm still going to update the remaining three chaps before I go back to my original schedule. I'm trying to write one chapter everyday but I guess it's not always possible when you want it thorough and clean. 


Hola! I am back!! 
          And I cannot wait to get to reading everybody's stories!! I will start reading again today and next week I will be updating one chapter a day for six days which will start immediately tomorrow! I freaking missed wattpad! 


@AzulMidnight I'm glad to be back <3<3


YAY YOU’RE BACK (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)


I've been having network problems lately which is why I haven't read or written in weeks. But it's almost fixed so I should be back very soon, hopefully. As soon as it's fixed, I will read everybody's stories and update 6 chapters next week since I couldn't update for like 2 weeks. 


@CoconutHusk6656 hope it gets fixed soon friend :>