
Anyone else ever have to get up for work and just go, bleh I don't wanna  


I swear. Its like my mom thinks just because she chose to be a mom, that everyone should be one. Stfu. It's my choice. Thanks. 


And has actually said that I will change my mind. No, I won't. I've been pretty stuck on not having kids since I was one. Not your place to tell me I'll change my mind. How about, respect my decision. 


Deadass, I don't want kids, and she just like, acts like I'll change my mind someday. 


Something from my dream I thought I would share. "A read something once. There is a thirty percent chance things will get better. And a chance that they won't. I don't like this statistic. Because considering how beautiful and kind the world can be, I think its much higher. Because someday, somehow, things can and will get better."