
My followers, anyone who loves or likes to read stories that I write. Thank you. I will be on hiatus for a short while because I am having a writer's block. I hope you all understand. I already have a lot of ideas for interesting stories but the thing is, I can't draw very nicely so I need an artist with whom I can start to make manga.


My followers, anyone who loves or likes to read stories that I write. Thank you. I will be on hiatus for a short while because I am having a writer's block. I hope you all understand. I already have a lot of ideas for interesting stories but the thing is, I can't draw very nicely so I need an artist with whom I can start to make manga.


Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I do yours!


@AlienLavender56 You are Welcome!! And I also hope for you to enjoy my stories and as I do yours.