
Just found out someone stole/ripped off my Lucille story. With the only chabges done was changing the name Lucille to Brennen & changing the ending of tbe first chapter I posted. <br>
          	I just sent a message to the person, but it really pisses me off that someone actually thought I wouldnt notice (or anyone for that matter). 
          	To the people who do this: How bout instead of plagiarizing other peoples work, why don’t yoh come up with your own original ideas for once. 
          	Writers spend a lot of time creating their stories for their readers to enjoy, not for you just copy&paste it on your own blog claiming it as your own.
          	As a writer it takes me forever to come up with a storyline & actually write it out, so having someone take MY story and use is infuriating.


@ConceptOfGrace Oh my god who did that??


Just found out someone stole/ripped off my Lucille story. With the only chabges done was changing the name Lucille to Brennen & changing the ending of tbe first chapter I posted. <br>
          I just sent a message to the person, but it really pisses me off that someone actually thought I wouldnt notice (or anyone for that matter). 
          To the people who do this: How bout instead of plagiarizing other peoples work, why don’t yoh come up with your own original ideas for once. 
          Writers spend a lot of time creating their stories for their readers to enjoy, not for you just copy&paste it on your own blog claiming it as your own.
          As a writer it takes me forever to come up with a storyline & actually write it out, so having someone take MY story and use is infuriating.


@ConceptOfGrace Oh my god who did that??


Just received a fruit basket from my favorite person in the world right now . So happy to have people like him in my life, and all my friends who have been supporting me and my decisions. Really am thankful for all my friends and everyone in my life. Couldn't do it without any of you.xoxox -Finny