
this message may be offensive
I look at myself in the mirror and I say “you fucking idiot! How could you not show compassion to others who have tried to take their own life! You were in that situation once you fucking Pratt!” Now I see that I was wrong being unsympathetic to this poor girl who tried to take her life, and for that I’m sorry.


this message may be offensive
I look at myself in the mirror and I say “you fucking idiot! How could you not show compassion to others who have tried to take their own life! You were in that situation once you fucking Pratt!” Now I see that I was wrong being unsympathetic to this poor girl who tried to take her life, and for that I’m sorry.


Hello everyone, as you are aware by now, my Mendoza Island story has had to be remove due to some technical issues so unfortunately I won’t be re-doing it. 


@ConnorJarvis90 The Q&A is open, if you wish to check that out.  Well, this time it's mainly focused on Champ since it's almost his birthday.


@PawPatrolChaseFan maybe I’ll bring it back some day with not Jurassic park rip-offs


Go and check out my friend pawpatrolchasefans new story give them some love and tell them I sent ya 


@ConnorJarvis90 Thanks man, I appreciate that! 