
Wow, Seems like I always have this idea that I'm gonna come back strong into writing and then I'm gone for years! 
          	So um... Hi there? 
          	I changed a lot of my account visually with a new username and such! I'd like to write more again, more in particular about my character Blade. I hope you'd like to read it sometime when it gets posted. I updated the first writing on his "book" to Epilogue so give it a read if you'd like! 
          	So, hello again! I hope to be here more often! 
          	*Happy Writing!*


Wow, Seems like I always have this idea that I'm gonna come back strong into writing and then I'm gone for years! 
          So um... Hi there? 
          I changed a lot of my account visually with a new username and such! I'd like to write more again, more in particular about my character Blade. I hope you'd like to read it sometime when it gets posted. I updated the first writing on his "book" to Epilogue so give it a read if you'd like! 
          So, hello again! I hope to be here more often! 
          *Happy Writing!*


Hey Everyone! 
          It's been quite some time again hasn't it? Sorry about that! Honestly, with life as it is currently, things have been insane! A little update about me! 
          *I am currently still in college, but with COVID-19, this semester I am all online. This is not ideal for me in the slightest, but I am working through it to the best of my ability. 
          *I think I am finally majoring in something I love. I am currently working towards a Political Science degree, but I would love to get a masters in Public Administration. 
          *COVID-19 has been a real pain in all honesty. I miss seeing people in person, but I understand that we have to be safe as best as we can. 
          So! I am putting this message on here because, I wrote a short story for a new little Oneshot book I added. It is for Overwatch! I have been playing it in any spare time that I have and love it. I noticed that I shared a popular ship in the fandom so I want to write a few pieces for them along with any others that you recommend. 
          On another writing topic, I have really started working on Blade's story again in which I just have short little works posted on here. Let me know if you would like any news on that! I have been really focusing on characters as I am still not sure what I want to do with the full story yet! 
          Thanks to anyone who read this message! I am sending all my good vibes and hope you all stay healthy in these scary times! 
          ~Much Love and Happy Writing!~


Hey Everyone! 
          I've been gone forever again! College is crazy, but now it is over! I wanted to know what your favorite stories of mine are! I ask this because I want to start working on some of these again along with my new project that I posted on here! I still need to get up the writing for the new project, but I have some transferring over to do with flash drives and what not! 
          So please comment your favorite of my works and I will see what I can do! I really want to pick them up again and with time I am sure I could work on all of them, but currently I want to see what everyone likes the most! 
          Thank you so much again for sticking with me all this time! 
          ~Much Love and Happy Writing!~


Hello Everyone!
          I should have the book I brought up earlier up hopefully tonight or tomorrow! I am going to try and pick one of my earlier projects up as well and try to do what I wanted with it. I have some ideas I think and I would like to write more than I have in awhile. Thank you so much for sticking around for the few of you that follow me. I know I don't ever really post any writing, but I am going to try and get better at that! Please do not hesitate to give me feedback on my work! I love hearing from people on here and feedback helps me try to write a little better! Hopefully, I will have some updates out soon! 
          Thanks Again for Sticking Around, 


It's been forever again! I think I am going to publish a book on here of some of the nonsense writing I have been doing recently for a character that I would like to write a story about. Nice to see everyone again and if you have any books you want to recommended please let me know!