
Hello! I am searching for DNF high school books that are similar to "Call Me Okay?" but I am running out of ideas. "Call Me Okay?" has been my favorite so far. Can anyone suggest some books that are similar to it? Thank you! 


Hello! I am searching for DNF high school books that are similar to "Call Me Okay?" but I am running out of ideas. "Call Me Okay?" has been my favorite so far. Can anyone suggest some books that are similar to it? Thank you! 


this message may be offensive
If you're a Wilbur Soot fan account change this instant! He’s a fucked up person and an abuser and I don't stand for that so if you're going to keep supporting him leave and never talk to me again! I've been a victim and I will not let this stand! 
          Ps if you're currently seeking help from an abusive relationship Call This Number 800-799-7233
          Or text START to 88788
          YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! ❤︎


@Cora80760 Couldn't have said it better <33 
            If  you are someone struggling with abuse, self harm, SA, depression, or any other issues, feel to DM me or seek help at your local hotline. Remember: Keep going forward, you're doing the best you can, and it's more than enough!