

This artist is hosting a shop! Check it out and give them some love!


@Xaprith Oh, well, that's unfortunate. I assumed it was AI, but you can never be too sure about anything being AI or not these days. As long as they're not profiting off their art, which to my knowledge, they're not, I don't mind.


@Cosmodeus25 Hey just a heads up, this designer uses AI, these aren't actually drawn from scratch (you can tell by looking at the minor details and inconsistencies in their "drawings" too). But they've lied about it on their TikTok, they also admitted it privately to someone else on here but still do not disclose that they're using AI as a base.
            Don't know if it makes a difference to you but I've seen some information about it in my discord server and coincidentally people I follow are going to them but aren't aware it's AI generated images. 