Hi everyone,
My real name is Natasha, mother of 2 teenage girls , live in one small town near Zagreb (Croatia).
I'm book worm and like to read a lot....
I love history, art, thriller, horror, suspense, crime and science-fiction novels. I also like classic novels very much..until Ancient time until today.
I especially like some of following authors: ALEXANDRE DUMAS (father), Sir Arthur Connan Doyle, Charles Dickens, Decameron, William Shakespeare, Umberto Eco, Charlotte Brönte, Edgar Allan Poe, Agatha Christie, Phillipa Gregory, Alison Weir, Karin Slaughter, Camila Läckberg, Sandra Brown, Jackie Collins, Jennifer Crusie, Victoria Laurie, STIEG LARSSON, Ian Rankin, Stephen King, GEORGE R.R. MARTIN....
  • Zagreb, Croatia
  • JoinedSeptember 4, 2015

4 Reading Lists