I love to write. I love it. I love the anticipation of writing something based off of an idea and not knowing where that idea might take you. The tricks and turns throughout a book are vast. The possibilities are endless. Books I write are interesting because there are always going to be clues throughout the book hinting to the ending of the book, which I plan the endings before anything else. My books are based off of songs, feelings, a character I made, and using these important things. I will create an idea and it will never stop because the books that you read, no matter what they are, they are what you want them to be. Sometimes there will be A and B endings and sometimes the ending won't be one you like. Thats whats so interesting about books. You get to imagine the scenes and the characters using your own creativity that is stimulating all from a speculation that I am writing. I am a music lover and heavily believe that music is one of the most affective ways of getting through to someone. Music is like reading, it is whatever you want it to be. Coming from someone who's had a hard life, I get it. I've been at my worst and still am at my worst, yet to reach my best. Music and writing are two things that help me get through it. So if you are suffering just know, you're not alone. 

"It's okay to be a glow stick. Sometimes we have to break before we can shine."


(to anyone who read this thank you so much <3)
  • Too Deep In My Thoughts
  • Дата регистрацииJuly 18, 2017


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