
Here it is, the survey I have been wanting to put out, please only respond if you wish to I can't wait to see what you all have to say!
          	SURVEY BELOW


Hi everyone.
          This account has been something that has gone through many changes in the 7 years I've had it.
          When I first started, I was a 6th grader that hadn't come to terms with a lot of things, and still did not understand a lot.
          Now I can proudly say that I am a bisexual transgender man, that has a very loving partner. Between getting a job, graduating high school, and being in a long-term relationship with someone who really lets me know I can be me again, I felt like I can finally be myself again.
          I always was my authentic and weird self on here when I felt I was unable to be in my day-to-day life. I thought about this account in the back of my mind often.
          "Should I delete it?"
          "Should I write a story?"
          "Maybe read something?"
          It was a big struggle. I always wanted to bury my real self, but knew that would mean this account too. When I started on here, I wrote One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer stories that me and an old friend would exchange between each other, then I branched into a Justin Drew Blake & Raegan Beast story for another friend. Finally, I had the idea to do a Marvel OC story with mine and my at the time partners OC. After we split, I gave up writing and reading as a whole; I hated it and myself.
          But, I finally dusted off my pants and decided, no more will I let someone else dictate what I do and how I feel. Slowly, but surly I'm finding who Dean Michael is, all over again.
          I know a lot of my followers are not active anymore, but those of you that are will get this notification. Please know I have been thinking of you all.
          I deleted all my stories I've ever made in my drafts, and will be attempting to write again. I'll make a separate post that will help gauge what my remaining audience would be interested in.
          I'm so sorry for being extremely inactive, but I promise something WILL happen with this account again.
          I love you all, I can't wait to be here again.
          - Dean


@CowboyKenobi im always here for you dean, glad you’re back <3