
Hey everyone!(: 
          	So I created a Twitter lol. It’s @CptKatja! You should follow me and help share my books with others! Also, everything will be coming out soon I hope you’re excited!(:


Hey everyone!
          I appreciate your patience! I had initially planned to have the first 10-15 chapters of book three of the Haven Series and the sequel to Falling into Hope posted by now. However, life has a way of becoming overwhelming. In addition, working full time while taking 18 credit hours in college is difficult to manage. However, I wanted to let you know that the new goal is to have all of this updated by the end of May/beginning of June at the very latest. So, stay tuned!
          P.S. All my books are still in the process of being edited. I've gotten a little bit into my book Haven but haven't gotten through all of it. So, as always, please point out any mistakes, and I'll make sure to get those fixed!
          P.S.S. Thank you all again for following me and liking my stories. Make sure to continue to like, comment, and share! (:


@CptKatja Just started Falling into Hope and I pray that Hope doesn't leave her too. She's already her best friend and love of her life don't let her lose her second chance. 


Do what you got to do. Life is busy for everyone so we understand. Just take your time and don’t worry yourself to much. we appreciate the update and look forward to when you do update. Hope your day stays good and hope college and work doesn’t get to hectic for you so you can stay level headed. Keep up the great work and hope you have a great day. 


The final three chapters of Dwaal will be posted tomorrow. Sorry for the delay; my grandma passed away, and it's been a little hard to write. Also, college has been overwhelming. So, many finals and essays. Anyways, thank you all for your patience!


@CptKatja take your time dear ,, hope you doing ok


Update on Book two in The Haven Series!
          Hey there everyone! If you're getting this, thank you again for following me.
          I decided to go ahead and drop the second book early. While I didn't have anyone respond to my last post directly, I did have a few messages sent to me asking for it to be released sooner rather than later. So It is being released today! I will go back slowly and edit it just like my other two completed books, Haven and Falling into Hope. Hopefully you all like it. Book three will be released sometime next year. The name of the second book is called Hiraeth. Thank you all again!


          Hey there!
          Soooo... Funny story. I'm in the middle of having a manic episode (6 days and counting now), and I have already finished the sequel to Haven. So what do you think I should do? Drop it now, or wait till September 10th still?


          Hi! If you are seeing this, know that I am very grateful that you follow me! 
          So, I have some exciting news:
          1.) I am in the process of writing a sequel to my completed book Haven. I will have the first 10-15 chapters posted on Friday, September 10th. It will be updated every week. Also, The Haven series will be a trilogy. So, don't worry too much if I leave book two off on a cliffhanger (;
          2.) My book Haven and my other completed book, Falling into Hope (make sure to check that one out too,) are going to be slowly edited over the next year.
          3.) My book Dwaal will be updated every week from here on out. Right now, I'm aiming to have it completed sometime in October. However, I have a full-time job and attend college full-time, so please be patient with me.
          4.) If you love my book, Falling into Hope, you should be happy to know that it will also be getting a sequel. I will most likely drop the first 10-15 chapters sometime next year in the spring. 
          5.) My murder mystery, What You Can't See, is on a brief hold right now but will be continued next year. I may post a few chapters here and there overall, though it won't be consistently updated until next year. I want to finish Dwaal, the sequel to Haven, and have the beginning of the sequel to Falling into Hope done first. 
          As always, I hope you enjoy reading my books and are as excited as I am for what's to come. Don't forget to like each of the chapters, comment, and share my books with others. I love reading all of your comments and will definitely respond from time to time. Thank you again.
          ~ Katja


Hey there! Sorry I've been kind of MIA, especially with updating Dwaal. Good news though I am going to start updating regularly starting next week. Next on the agenda is I am going to be slowly editing Haven and Falling into Hope. Now for my last announcement... *drum roll* I have decided to make a sequel to Haven. It's in the rough draft process right now, but I'll try and have the first few chapters posted around September at the latest. Also, Falling into Hope will most likely be getting a sequel as well. So stay tuned!


@CptKatja Hey Author how are you ? Good to see you're back,, hope you doin' well  can't wait for the sequel OMG I'm soooo excited...