Hey y'all 🥸

I have a quotev account under that same name that I am a lot more active on

I have a new account on here that I am always on @Under_the_stars28

I'm a random girl that is crazy and a fangirl (as said in my username) (it's two different things btw... I'm not a crazy fangirl... I'm crazy and a fangirl)🤓

This is not my device, so I will not be on here very often, but feel free to message me at any time 🙃

Something you should know: I'm scared of scissors ✂️😱

I'm obsessed with One Direction 💚💙💛❤️🇮🇪

Larry is real y'all 💙💚

But one thing I know for sure is that Nizza is definitely the best ship ever🍕🛳️

I love the maze runner ❤️❤️❤️

Wattpad bestie: @copyofacopyofacopy13

Wattpad friends: @tr0ye_bxby @newyrsdaylvr

Irl bestie: @BopItTwistItPullIt23

Feel free to talk to me about anything! 🤪

No mean comments please 🤫

Have a lovely day/night/evening or whenever it is 🫶
Love ya ❤️
  • انضمMay 11, 2023

الرسالة الأخيرة
CrazyFangirl250 CrazyFangirl250 Jul 03, 2024 07:29PM
Do you ever have something intelligent to say but then you forget and just go “AHH” instead? That’s me all the timeeee
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