Hi! My name is Louise and I am a bookaholic! (Hi Louise lol)

Yea so I love books, I love to read! It doesn't really matter what its about, as long as I get past the "blurb" Description whatever its a success!!!

I have many many favourite stories here that I think are amazing! (Its a bit late at the moment otherwise I would write them down lol )

No I am not on here just for the reading, I have like a bizillion stories in my head (more like 3 or 4 lol) as well as a LOAD of FanFiction ideas that JUST WON'T GO AWAY! Unfortunately I have Writers block/feelings of not good enough/improving writing/wanting to be a really good writer etc so I'm just at the stage of ideas safely in my head... unless your a fanfic idea.

So thanks for reading! And I apologize for the silliness? of my writing, its late, I'm tired aaaaaaaaaand yea

  • انضمMay 5, 2012

الرسالة الأخيرة
Crazy_Lou Crazy_Lou Jul 12, 2013 09:48PM
@wonelson Thank you,I just wish I could write as well as half the writers on here, my mind keeps bubbling over with ideas but my hands seem to fail me lol
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