
Hi! I want to reply to your comment but it won't let me. It's mad because you used a swear word lolol. 
          Thank you so much!!! I'm so touched how much you like my story and the way I write!~ I will be writing Sebaek ff as long as I have ideas xD Which I hope is a lot! 
          Your english is totally fine btw. One thing you said that was kind of funny: keep the good job. Should be: keep up the good job. But seriously, one little word, no big deal.
          Thanks again!! <333333


@ Sehun_x_Baek  Lol:)),thank u(^_^;)
            I hope that too!└(=^‥^=)┐


Ești destul de amuzantă cu descrierea, și zici că esti nebună :3  sa stii ca-i super asta, privește Alice în țara minunilor de Tim Burton, și vei afla ca cei mai nebuni oameni sînt cei mai mari genii.


@ HeimdalDeus  merci:) si da stiu ca sunt nebuna;) toata lumea stie ca sunt:) maine urma sa merg sa vad filmul;)(


@ CarinaEnache  npc