
@dancer5552 you're welcome. :)


          Awesome. Here's the info. 
          Title: The Great Migration - Coming To Canada
          Details: 1849 - Galston, British Isles. 
          A sixteen year-old girl, and her family are forced to move into a shack on somebody's land after the death of her mother, forcing them to become tenant farmers. Hearing about Canada a year later, her father decides to do what he believes best for his family, and takes a leap of faith; he moves his family, and himself to the New Unknown land to restart their lives. 
          What they didn't expect was how horrid the month ship ride would be, and all that might happen before they ever step foot on Canada's lands. 
          This is a historical fiction about the great migration from the British Isles to Canada so many years ago.
          Author: AtNightWeLieAwake (moi!)
          And yeah, like it said it's a historical fiction so try to make it oldish I guess. Thanks. :)