
i'm working on a new project rn and truthfully i love the foundation but it also has been killing me trying to make it all flow.


Speaking of which, chapter one of blackbear should be out very soon, I've just been caught up about perfecting it. Which sucks because I want it to be perfect but I know damn well I'm only human and I can always come back to it later. I dunno why I’m stressing, I'm weird and I want it to flow without being a boring read or lacking the emotions I want you guys to feel. 
          My goal is to have chapter one up by the end of this week. And chapter two soon to follow. I have a booking scheduled for work over Christmas so I should have a bunch of time on my hands... the lady had this reallllllyy nice couch/lounge seat/loveseat that I’m dying to curl up on! I’m hoping to be stocked up on fuzzy socks, blankets and coffee while there which that always helps me write. 
          I’ll do my best to keep you guys updated! Also pleaseeeee feel free to reach out with ideas, suggestions, requests or any writers block cures you may have! They’re always welcomed! (Or if you just want to chat! I’d to be friends your beautiful/handsome minds!) 


I find it funny how doing odd things, gives me soo much motivation for writing. Like I’m currently sitting in my friend’s car (while he’s working), singing out of tune, drinking a latte, and busting out some chapters for blackbear. 


Yooooooo! I'm back! I hope everyone is doing alright! Staying safe and healthy :)
          I've been MIA since 2017, and ya know what? That's okay! A lot has changed since I was last active on here besides reading peoples stories late at night. I have graduated high school, fought some demons, lost and gained some pretty great people, and now, I'm hoping to get back to actively doing what I love: WRITING! 
          I do want to say that getting back in the grove of this will take time, and I will slip up. That's alright, as Bob Ross would say, "happy little accidents". I also tend to write by hand or a weird mix of both by hand and on my laptop/phone. So perfect updates may take time.  There is no doubt that I won't beat myself up over writings and making them good enough for y'all, so please bear with me, I am trying. 
          I love you all, thank you for your support and kindness over these last few years. 
          Much love, Emily


          So, I have some news!
          1. I'm looking for a writing agent as I'm looking to get my other works published....
          2. I'm really sorry for not updating like I should... BUT I have been writing at least 2 times every day (or more)
          3. I love you all


Hey Everyone!
          Emily here, and I have some news....
          First, sorry for not being a good author on here and not keeping up on all my stories that need to be published and updated... Ik, I'm terrible.... 
          SEcond, I'm adopting a puppy!!! His name is Buddy, and I'm adopting him for my aunt... I'm gonna train him to be a service dog for her!! I'm sooooo happy and ughhh! I can't wait!!
          Thrid, I love you all. A lot. I hope that explains some stuff.... 
          Fourth, ((AGAIN)), I'm soooooooo super sorry for not updating and keeping you guys in pace with the novels/stories...... 
          I gotta run, I"m supposed to be doing homework... lol
          Love ya all!!
          Emily Louise