As you can guess, I am a total bookworm. I love reading novels such as classic literature and sometimes also fantasy. But I also love writing. This includes stories, Poems but also lyrics. That brings me to another Point: I L-O-V-E music. I got a guitar 5 years ago and now it's rather a Passion than an Instrument. Btw. if you are interested in Music too then let's meet again on my Instagram @weather.g

Live, love, read. Enjoy it <3
  • Bonn
  • Se ha unidoFebruary 10, 2015


Historias de Crissi08
The love of a child de Crissi08
The love of a child
People say a mother's love can handle anything. She can even lift cars to protect her baby. But what about a...
Die Liebe eines Kindes de Crissi08
Die Liebe eines Kindes
Man sagt die Liebe einer Mutter kann alles bewirken. Sie kann sogar Autos anheben, nur damit ihrem Baby nicht...
Die wahre Geschichte über Bücher de Crissi08
Die wahre Geschichte über Bücher
Charly liebt Bücher. Sein bester und nicht ganz so an Büchern interessierter Freund heißt David und mit ihm e...