
I have been stumped lately. The story most prominently on my mind is one I actually started a while back, about Vincent and Blaire. Problem is, after i started on the initial idea, i had the idea to do like a prequel for it? And that is where i am stumped. I know key events that happen in what will be the second 'book' and I know where I want it to go. How I want it to follow the characters. Should I start book 2 then go back to do book 1? 


I have been stumped lately. The story most prominently on my mind is one I actually started a while back, about Vincent and Blaire. Problem is, after i started on the initial idea, i had the idea to do like a prequel for it? And that is where i am stumped. I know key events that happen in what will be the second 'book' and I know where I want it to go. How I want it to follow the characters. Should I start book 2 then go back to do book 1? 


Attention to my readers: if y'all are still there. I know it has been a while since I updated anything. Truth be told, with the holidays rolling around, it's hard for me to stay focused for long on a story. For my Sparrows out there, I will force myself to write something for you soon. I've been obsessed with a different story idea about angels, and dark angels. But I promise to give you the next chapter by the end of the weekend. Hopefully. 


Good morning all! Hope you are liking my stories. I will try to publish often on Hate + Time = Love. Right now it shoul not be that hard, since I already had a few pages handwritten. But the original plot was different, so I'm gonna have to rewrite a lot as I go. Let's just say that I thought the idea for Chris to steal Bash's girl to get Emma's attention was stupid and made no sense. Chris honestly is a nice guy. He just plays it too cool sometimes. Oh, and about the cast, the characters are all from like Disney Channel. I'm still figuring out how to upload cast pictures, so bear with me. I would really enjoy your feedback. :) Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? Also, a fun little note for the readers of Hate + Time = Love, there is a reason Chris gags at the taste of Julie's strawberry lip gloss: I hate strawberry flavored stuff, and I hate lip gloss! So I figured Chris would too. :) COMMENT!!! :D


yes, I deleted most of my works. they were all unfinished, and the were crowding my works page. but I did add a new...well, new to you guys, since I wrote it a year ago...short story. it's not great, but it is one of my first full stories. I promise, I'm working on getting better! more to be published soon!