
Hey everyone!
          	I caught that spine-tingling fever going around this time of year, and I found it hard to resist myself, so I got myself into a tight spot with time crunch — I am taking part in #ONC2025.
          	"In Knowing, There Is A Sun" will be the first-ever long-form fantasy I'm writing, continuing my unofficial tradition of trying new genres for ONC entries, and as with all my Wattpad works, yet another experimental project where I try out new things. 
          	I was inspired by prompt 39. This novella will be something of a "psychological-fantasy," if you will, that plays with themes of, but not limited to, occult, identity, isolation and brotherhood.
          	I'm excited to write, and I hope you will enjoy reading! Don't hesitate to vote and/or comment to let me know your thoughts.
          	Are you joining #ONC2025? What prompts inspired you? Feel free to drop your titles under this post; I'd love to check them out when I can. 
          	All the love,


Hey everyone!
          I caught that spine-tingling fever going around this time of year, and I found it hard to resist myself, so I got myself into a tight spot with time crunch — I am taking part in #ONC2025.

          "In Knowing, There Is A Sun" will be the first-ever long-form fantasy I'm writing, continuing my unofficial tradition of trying new genres for ONC entries, and as with all my Wattpad works, yet another experimental project where I try out new things. 
          I was inspired by prompt 39. This novella will be something of a "psychological-fantasy," if you will, that plays with themes of, but not limited to, occult, identity, isolation and brotherhood.
          I'm excited to write, and I hope you will enjoy reading! Don't hesitate to vote and/or comment to let me know your thoughts.
          Are you joining #ONC2025? What prompts inspired you? Feel free to drop your titles under this post; I'd love to check them out when I can. 
          All the love,


Hey everyone!
          I have a new short story up, written for @esthetiquecommunity Monthly Writing Contest (January 2025). Here’s the synopsis:
          A middle-aged art forger is confronted by an enigmatic presence in the afterlife and employed to spread a conspiracy. Dead but still working—just his luck! But as he sinks into this afterlife of workaholism, the boundaries between life, death, and legacy blur with the surreal. 

          This is a sort of experimental work that interplays between absurdist elements and the errie atmosphere of gothic fiction against the backdrop of art and death. I hope you enjoy reading it! And I'd love to hear your thoughts. 
          If you're on Instagram, I'm active at @maddyalson (the IG is linked to this Wattpad profile, too), where I hope to share all things writing and reading-based. Feel free to drop your IG username under this post so I know who's who and can follow you back. 
          All the love,


@-Ankitaa Hey there, Ankitaa! 
            Followed back. <3


@CrownedMadness   Hi Maddy! Just followed you with my account @_.vibrant.word._


@Jiranipoa I hope you enjoy reading! It's been a good while since I've written a short format, but the challenge was fun. Let me know your thoughts on the story. 
            Followed back. <3


Hey everyone!
          Happy New Year! ✨ It’s been a good little while since I last checked in, and I should have posted this message a long time ago, but it keeps slipping my mind. I have an important message for everyone reading or hoping to read "To Be, Rather Than To Seem" about what’s next for the book. 
          An announcement chapter went live about a month ago, but if you missed it somehow, here's the link:
          Please take a moment to check it out. I'm heartened about what’s ahead for TBRTTS, and I really appreciate all the love and support I received (and hope will receive) along the way. Thank you so much!
          p.s. If you're on Instagram, I'm active at @maddyalson (the IG is linked to this Wattpad profile, too), where I'll be sharing all things writing and reading-based. Please drop your IG username under this post so I know who's who and can follow you back. 
          All the love,


Yo I updated the story
          Can you update the review


@Zain_2007 okays
            Once I have completed the book I'll do the payment again so you can review it again


@Zain_2007 Hello there,
            I'm not sure what you mean by "update the review"; however, to clarify, my book review service is a one-time deal. Once the review is published, it's considered complete. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact @esthetiquecommunity .If you're looking for feedback on the new chapters, consider filling out the request form at the Review Shop—I'm currently unavailable; however, you may request another available reviewer.


Hii(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Just wanted to plop by and say thank you so much for the review! I really appreciate it<3 
          Hope you have a nice day/night~~


@LittleCat_Kat Hello there! You're welcome! It's been a pleasure reviewing your work. Thank you. Have a lovely day yourself. <3


Hi there! (Giving it another go to post here).
          I wanted to express my gratitude for the review! I also wanted to share that I will be publishing my book on Amazon, and I’m revising the manuscript every day. You pointed out some things that even my editor missed, so your feedback was incredibly valuable. Thank you so much!
          P.S. I would have liked to comment on the review, but for some reason, I can’t seem to favorite or comment, which is unfortunate. At least I hope it works here.
          Have a great day, and thanks again!


@Ingraego Hello there! It was my pleasure. I'm so happy I could be of help. That's awesome news! Good luck with the publishing!✨♥️
            p.s. No worries at all. I think Wattpad might have been glitching. 
            Have a great day/night!


Can you review my ongoing book "Zombie World : The Apocalypse Begins" ?


@CrownedLordSuperior Hello there! 
            Of course. Just a heads up, I'm on a short break now. If you're okay with waiting a few weeks (I'll be back in November), you can fill out the form at either @esthetiquecommunity or @DaturaCommunity review shops, whichever works best for you. When I'm back, I'll start working on your review. Thank you! <3


Hey author sorry to jump on your page but just wanted to ask if your review ongoing  books


@BloodRiver876 Hello there!
            It's no worries. Yes, I do review ongoing books. I offer my services through @esthetiquecommunity & @DaturaCommunity review shops. You can find my profile in their shops, go through the details, and fill out the form at the shop that best suits your needs. <3