
To think that I'll get a 100 followers even though I basically did nothing here. Anyways, thank you for following but I'm afraid I won't be very active.
          	Anyways, if you want to join an wards you can apply for the Crystallized Awards by @Crystalline_Sol, hosted by Princess_Mauve (previously me) and founded by Queenly_JD


To think that I'll get a 100 followers even though I basically did nothing here. Anyways, thank you for following but I'm afraid I won't be very active.
          Anyways, if you want to join an wards you can apply for the Crystallized Awards by @Crystalline_Sol, hosted by Princess_Mauve (previously me) and founded by Queenly_JD


          Roses Organization is an organization that provides you different services. We have book club, graphic, critique and book review shop. 
          Follow us @RosesOrg_
          Roses Book Club helps you promote and have many vomments in your stories. We also have different benefits here. You can have free online workshop with us, free critic, free bookcover etc. as long as you are a member of the club and if not, you have to pay.
          Here's the link:

          Roses Graphic Shop are making the ff;
          -Vector Arts
          -Digital Arts 
          -Rating the Bookcover etc
          Here's the link:

          Roses Reviews and Critique Book Shop
          We also have writing contest and many more surprises. So what are you waiting for?
          Join to our bookclub now or be our Customers. We will provide your needs. Thank you!


Toby Fox has given us a new game after Undertale, and with this book I've created let's solve its mysteries together.
          Theories here, theories there, any more theories over there?
          "Don't forget. . ."
          Drum roll please! Let's give it up for. . .
          The theorizers!
          Let's unveil the hidden truth of Deltarune, together with Undertale.
          Undertale & Deltarune fans unite!
          Now, do you want to share theories with us?
          Current theorizers;
          We can collaborate if you want! Not only that but you'll get to share theories with us, please check it out! We'll make sure that you'll get proper credit together with your book!
          Here's the link!