
Hi My lovelies,
          	It's been a while and I wanted to let you guys know what I've been up to. I've been working on revising my first book into a third person POV and trying my best to shorten it and that's been taking up most of my time. Once I'm done with the first draft of it, I plan to put it away and start to work on the second supernatural series. Once I have a few chapters written and edited to be posted here, I'll make an announcement here. 
          	I appreciate your patience on my next story and hope that all of you are doing well. I'll check in with you again soon. 
          	With the warmest regards,
          	- Crystal


Hi My lovelies,
          It's been a while and I wanted to let you guys know what I've been up to. I've been working on revising my first book into a third person POV and trying my best to shorten it and that's been taking up most of my time. Once I'm done with the first draft of it, I plan to put it away and start to work on the second supernatural series. Once I have a few chapters written and edited to be posted here, I'll make an announcement here. 
          I appreciate your patience on my next story and hope that all of you are doing well. I'll check in with you again soon. 
          With the warmest regards,
          - Crystal


Hello my lovely readers,
          It's done. It's finally done. I've just published the last few chapters to Alec Holbrook's story, In One Lifetime. I swear, if I can just write stories with just the  first two acts, I would be happy as a clam. Alas, it's the third act that brings the story full circle and make it so satisfying. So, as I always do, I've whined and carried on, but finally got it finished. 
          I really adore Alec. who's one of my original characters. I plan to write more OC stories in the future, but for now, I'm going to go back to writing pure BTS FF. 
          I have a question for all of you. If I wrote a FF but gave the men of BTS, a character name, as if they were playing a part in a movie, would you enjoy that? Or do you prefer that I stick with their actual names? I'm just trying to get a sense of things.
          The next set of BTS FF is going to involve the supernatural, paranormal, and mythical beings. I have some ideas that I've been playing with, so we'll see how that turns out. 
          I'm thinking I'm going to dive head first into Yoongi's story that I've been thinking about for over a year. So, I'll make an announcement when that's published. But in the meantime, I hope you enjoy the rest of Alec Holbrook's story. 
          As always, thank you so much for all the love and kind words. And please like and interact with the story. I love reading all the comments.  It is very late so I'm going to hit the sack, but I'll be back with a new story very soon.
          Love you guys to bits!
          - Crystal


Personally I like having their real names! But will support whatever you decide on! 


@CrystalJunebug4 I'm so excited to hear we have more stories to look forward to!
            As far as FF's go, I prefer their names as is... but if it suits the story and your preference better for you to change their names, do it. It's your story! I have no doubt it'll be an amazing story either way!


@CrystalJunebug4  I'm so ready to dive into the finished work. Your awesome as always. I prefer to use  character names.


Good Heaven, 
          I've finally finished writing In One Lifetime. I am in the process of editing the last chapter and will be posting the rest of the book within the next few days. I want to thank everyone for your patience and really hope you enjoy the story. I know that this one has been the longest one I've written thus far and I really need to learn to edit out parts of the story that aren't entirely necessary for the tale I'm telling, but I figure that'll come with practice and time. 
          Anyway, I'm just babbling now. 
          I'll be sure to make an announcement when the final chapters are uploaded and published. Just wanted to come on here and let  you guys know that I didn't give up (not yet) and to expect the end soon.
          Thank you for your devotion and all the lovely words of encouragement. This writing a book business is anything but easy. I love you guys to bits and I'll talk to you guys very soon.
          Love always, 
          - Crystal


@JynHope91 LOL. I’ll take that as a compliment. I’m so happy to hear you’ve started writing again. Listen. If I can do it, anyone can. 


@CrystalJunebug4 ah can't wait to finish it! You've inspired me to write again because of how long your chapters are! 


Hi Everyone!
          I'm sorry to clog your feed with a message that's not announcing the next installment of my current story. However, I wanted to come on here and whine a little.  
          As I do with every book I've written thus far, at this stage of my writing, I struggle greatly to 1) pull the story into that redemption arc and 2) keep the story as short as possible. I know other writers struggle with putting words down on page, but I'm their opposite.  I can't seem to keep the words off the page. 
          Anyway, I know it's taken longer than my normal publishing schedule but I'm here to beg you for your patience. I just need to put pictures in my head down into words on the page first.  Thank you to the eight of you that are reading this story. LOL. I love you guys to death. 
          I'll make an actual announcement for the next, and hopefully last, installments of In One Lifetime in the next week or so. Any words of encouragement would be received with open arms. 
          Sigh... Okay. I'm going to go now. Talk to you guys soon. Bye. ***help me***
          With love,
          - Crystal


@TRW1130 Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. I appreciate it for sure.


@RBlan91 Thank you for that.  Love you, as always.


Hello to all my lovely readers, 
          I just got done publishing the next installment of In One Lifetime. It is fresh off the press and live here on Wattpad! Chapters 16 to 19 are published and am currently working on adding chapter 20 to the published list. I'm hoping that I can get that chapter on by the end of tomorrow.
          So, please go and have a read and give it a like. I encourage every to interact with the story because I LOVE reading every comment. 
          I want to say thank you so much for spending your precious time reading my books and I truly hope you get some enjoyment out of them. I love you guys to bits! And I'll make another announcement with chapter 20 is published. 
          Love you guys and I'll check in with you soon!!!


@CrystalJunebug4 Yay!!! I'm diving right into this right now! Lol 


Hi to all of my lovely readers,
          I know it's been a while since I updated you guys, so I thought I would take this opportunity to do that tonight. 
          I'm currently working on publishing the last few chapters for In One Lifetime. I should be able to upload the next handful of chapters by the weekend, so please stay tuned. 
          As always, thank you for your patience. This is around the time in my writing process that I struggle to get passed, so please, just hang in there with me.
          I love you guys to bits and look out for the announcement about the next installment of chapters!


Gonna read this later 


Hello My Lovelies,
          I just got done publishing chapters 11 - 15 of In One Lifetime.
          Things are getting a little twisted around here and I have no idea where all of this is going to end up. But we shall see...
          I really need to learn how to write shorter stories. LOL I know, I know.... Kill your darlings. sigh...
          Well, I sure appreciate you sticking with this story. If you are...
          As always, I love you guys and hope you enjoy the next few chapters. 
          I'm off to write some more.
          - Crystal


@CrystalJunebug4 Yay! I can't wait to devour more of this amazing book once I get home! Alec is really growing on me, so much so that he might be my new favorite! We shall see!!! ❤️


Hello my lovelies,
          HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
          Just dropping in to let you guys know that chapter 5 - 10 of In One Lifetime are now published and live. I have to say, I'm definitely having a blast writing it.  So, when you get a chance, please go have a read. 
          I thank you for all of your time and care you spend on reading all of my stories. I love reading all of your comments, so feel free to interact with the story and if you enjoyed it, give it a like. 
          I better get back to working on the next batch of chapters. I'll talk to you guys very soon.
          Love you guys to bits.
          - Crystal


@Arait007 HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too !!!!❤️❤️❤️