
Hey ya'll I know it's been a long time, and an even longer time since I've written a new chapter for Loki's Slave. I started the story when I was I think in 8th grade. Now I'm a junior in college. I've gotten a lot of questions about when I will finish the story and if I will ever update/put out a new chapter. I don't really have an answer for this. I think maybe this year I will take the time and write a complete new chapter as well as continue updating/fixing past chapters. Life has really been interesting these past few years. If I'm being honest, I actually forgot the password to this wattpad account and it took a long while to get into the account. Additionally people from my high school school found this account and my story and started to bully me/make fun of me. They used to read it out loud to embarrass me, and it was kinda humiliating. I think that's why I also lost interest in writing the story. I also lost all my notes for what I planned on doing with this story moving forward. I had a lot planned out and now I really don't remember what direction I was going in. I understand that some of you are probably mad or disappointed in me for not finishing Loki's Slave, but I promise you a new chapter will be posted soon. I really would like to finish the story and not keep people waiting. Thanks for being so patient with me :) I'll make sure the chapter is a long and good one.


@CrystalLaufeyson123 It's alright author, your mental health is more important than what everyone else wants. Sorry about what all happened to you and I hope you can feel the same motivation as you did back then and update again. Much love. 


Hey ya'll I know it's been a long time, and an even longer time since I've written a new chapter for Loki's Slave. I started the story when I was I think in 8th grade. Now I'm a junior in college. I've gotten a lot of questions about when I will finish the story and if I will ever update/put out a new chapter. I don't really have an answer for this. I think maybe this year I will take the time and write a complete new chapter as well as continue updating/fixing past chapters. Life has really been interesting these past few years. If I'm being honest, I actually forgot the password to this wattpad account and it took a long while to get into the account. Additionally people from my high school school found this account and my story and started to bully me/make fun of me. They used to read it out loud to embarrass me, and it was kinda humiliating. I think that's why I also lost interest in writing the story. I also lost all my notes for what I planned on doing with this story moving forward. I had a lot planned out and now I really don't remember what direction I was going in. I understand that some of you are probably mad or disappointed in me for not finishing Loki's Slave, but I promise you a new chapter will be posted soon. I really would like to finish the story and not keep people waiting. Thanks for being so patient with me :) I'll make sure the chapter is a long and good one.


@CrystalLaufeyson123 It's alright author, your mental health is more important than what everyone else wants. Sorry about what all happened to you and I hope you can feel the same motivation as you did back then and update again. Much love. 


So there are two things...1) The story: Loki's Slave, is UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!! It needs some major editing. I will probally be working on it this week since I have my spring break. I will notify everyone once a BRAND NEW CHAPTER IS UPLODED!!! also 2) I don't get that much hate on my stories, but I understand not everyone is a fan of Smut or abuse in stories. Many of the stories have WARNINGS on them and A LOT ARE RATED MATURE...please take this as a warning before you go hatting in the comments. Thank you :) Enjoy your day


YAS! Tom is the best along with Robert. I can't even tell you how much I love them. ❤️  You and I also seem to have the Eggs Benedict Cucmberbatch of cookies disease. I love him soooo much. 


<puts hand on heart and raises eyebrow> Shank you. 


@lady_Rogue lol XD you're too funny


Hey, i wanted to know if I could ask you a question? 
          How was it like for how to word this question really. I know you don't write fluffy Loki fics(from what I've read at least, I've read Loki's Slave) what were your experiences with that? Has it impact your number of readers? I know for me it does. My Loki fics are very heavy and dark(not to mention erotic) sometimes i feel like it hurts my readership. Did you ever feel the same way? 


 I don't understand what you mean. ?? 


this message may be offensive
I am so sorry people who love Loki's Slave and want a new chapter. A bunch of crazy shit is going on in my life rn. I am attending drama camp and we have to do performances and learn songs and lines and that has taken up so much of my time. The Internet is down at my house so I can't use my laptop to write a new chapter. I promise it will be updated very soon. I am also moving so I had to take time to pack and stuff. And unfortunately I packed a chapter I wrote by hand for "No One Like Me" that is why I haven't updated that book in a while. So sorry again ❤️