
Writers block killing me man.


@CubedReader oh no! It'll come to you. Don't worry. Also, please read my question so I can vote.


Hey Cubed. I'm new here still so I hope this isn't a silly question. What is reset or continue mean? I saw your update and wasn't sure what that meant. Also, where else online are you writing? I know you said you're not publishing until finished, just wanted to check out the sight. Congratulations and best wishes on all your endeavors, also! I'm so happy you are back. It's best to take it at YOUR desired speed. (As long as you don't quit...haha)


Ok thank you! I vote either way as long as the story continues. Haha. You'll do a great job. 


The reset or continue is a little nod to the undertale game, which these characters are based off of.  You choose to reset your game file, or just continue in the game. What I mean by putting it in The book, is that I want to do over the book(reset) but I wanted to know if I guys want me to. The story will happen the same way, just written better then it was before. Or, we could continue the book from where I left off. (I personally want to reset and do it over) the book I said I am not publishing until it is finished, is another book that has nothing to do with this. I am writing it on wattpad also, just it's not going to be in public eyes until I am finished writing it. (Btw I ha e no other writing except these, and only post on wattpad.)


Hey Cubed.  I certainly hope that you get your grove back soon. I was enjoying this so much, as were others, by the looks of it. Seems you've made a few friends here, too. That is always a plus! You've got a lot of support here encouraging you on. Hope to hear from you soon. And hope you don't quit writing here when if you write something else. Take care...


@CubedReader I am nnt sure what to do. Please tell me what that's about. I wrote you a note a minute ago.


Oh hey! Tbh I thought everyone just forgot. I posted a comment on how it will "reset" if you wanted to know. I am glad to hear your voice, and I will keep in writing, whether it's this or not. Did you vote yet? I would like everyone's opinion!


Hey Cubed! Where did you go?  Hope you get some free time soon. I really like this story. Great job so far. My son likes these  characters and you make me like them too. It's really the first I've read of these guys. Get back here and bring us more!!


Hey! I'm writing the book again, and yes I'm very new to this. However I know how to write! I've always done short story's and I love these characters. Not my first time writing a story, but it is my first time writing a book or using these characters.