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Hi! I'm writing you about the comment on wild man. English isn't my first language, so I'm not sure if the fuss about my comment is because the words I used or if it is bound to something that happened in the us (where I'm guessing most of you live). I want to let you know that offending wasn't my intention. If you felt attacked or insulted, I offer you my apologies and only ask you to explain me what exactly caused your reaction. Have a nice day


It's okay at least you know now


Ugh, I'm so sorry...


@raganellabyebye the thing is since its such a big movement and so important saying all lives matter is kinda like saying that it's not a problem going on which is why people got offended 


just putting this out there. If you have seen fifty shades of grey or read the book u guys do know it's more than one book and spoiler alert they do end up together and they actually have kids in the future and he gives up that life style ,well the stuff she doesn't like cause it didn't feel right to him anymore and he didn't like hurting her


you have to hold the right button on the mouse and drag it down to watt ever part you want then left click . it should show options. So press copy and go to your page press edit profile and left click again and press paste


@Cupcake_Curls1210 I meant on the mobile.....Not the computer. sorry should have been specific