
5 to 500! Do we think I can make it by end of Sunday?!


im boOoOooreddddd


this message may be offensive
@Cx_Kxng says you who's like up at 2 *clown emoji cuz Wattpad is so shit*


@xx_zqey Hi, Bored. I was sleeping…. But I’m sure you have no clue what that is. 


5 to 500! Do we think I can make it by end of Sunday?!


Attention all awards applicants! We have announced your judges. Please give them a follow. If you don't follow them, then you will not be eligible for the awards. If you unfollow half way through, you also won't be eligible. If there's any changes on our end, we will be sure to let you know. Do let us know if there's any changes on your end!
          Judging will continue through the month of May as we battle with finding enough judges. Please have patience. We are still actively ensuring this award's completion!


Chrysalis Realm is looking for new and amazing members to join our team! We’re offering a One-Time Offer lasting through the end of May. 
           #.Follow from the community on Wattpad and Instagram.  #.A free shoutout just for you, about you.  #.Adding all of your books to our public reading list.  #.Quick to no interview. We’re offering a simple chat with the founder and co-founder. No scary interviews or long wait times.  #.A free theme by the founder @/Cx_Kxng or a bio, graphic, or plot from one of our shops.  #.3 Months of Free Shoutouts. Just ask! 
          ~ New friends! 
          ~ A whole team to back you up! 
          ~ Support from the whole team! 
          ~ Ability to grow in your skill! 
          ~ Ability to participate in fun, exclusive community games for prizes! 
          ~ And More! 
          Join now while the offer lasts!


@Elainetowne I’m afraid, yes. It’s the way we communicate. 


@Cx_Kxng do I have to have discord to join?  I was looking at the hiring book and it mentioned discord.


this message may be offensive
Content marketers are destroying social media more everyday. It’s become so dumb since newer platforms are being made. No offense to the big brains in central social media pub (doesn’t exist),  but businesses like Meta and Google are literally just buying up consumers through other consumers. Now, Wattpad is doing that. Features just get removed because they’re not making enough on it. If the feature is good, you have to pay for it. Explain how removing pms is going to grant them more revenue? They’re probably going to lose a lot of user engagement and perhaps, users altogether. Saying they’re saving people from scams, spams, and other harassments—please! There’s a blocking feature for a reason. It just seems like a dumb move and Wattpad’s already gone down since it first started. 
          Anyway, before the feature gets removed, do add me on Discord, Pinterest, and/or Instagram. 
          DC: Cx_Kxng 
          Pinterest: sovereignmadness 
          Instagram: sovereign.madness 


@Cx_Kxng That's terrible, and stupid.